Is it possible to unproxy a Spring bean?

Solution 1:

Try this:

if(AopUtils.isAopProxy(a) && a instanceof Advised) {
    Object target = ((Advised)a).getTargetSource().getTarget();
    AImpl ai = (AImpl)target;

Bonus: in Scala I am using the following equivalent function for the very same purpose:

def unwrapProxy(a: AnyRef) = a match {
    case advised: Advised if(AopUtils.isAopProxy(advised)) => 
    case notProxy => notProxy

Solution 2:

With the introduction of Spring 4.2.RC1, there is now a dedicated utility class in the spring-test module that handles this case for you.

The class is called AopTestUtils and provides the methods:

  • getTargetObject (unwraps only the top-level proxy)
  • getUltimateTargetObject (unwraps multiple levels of proxies if they exist).

Check out the relevant commit as well as the respective issue.