Bash convert epoch to date, showing wrong time

This particular timestamp is in milliseconds since the epoch, not the standard seconds since the epoch. Divide by 1000:

$ date -d @1361234760.790
Mon Feb 18 17:46:00 MST 2013

For Mac OS X, it's date -r <timestamp_in_seconds_with_no_fractions>

$ date -r 1553024528
Tue Mar 19 12:42:08 PDT 2019


$ date -r `expr 1553024527882 / 1000`
Tue Mar 19 12:42:07 PDT 2019


$ date -r $((1553024527882/1000))
Tue Mar 19 12:42:07 PDT 2019

You can use bash arithmetic expansion to perform the division:

date -d @$((value/1000))

Note that "value" is a bash variable with the $ being optional; i.e., $value or value can be used.