How to delay show/hide of bootstrap-tooltips?

Solution 1:

Finally I got it working with data attribute.

data-delay='{"show":"5000", "hide":"3000"}'

The object must be surrounded by single quotes, keys with double quotes and values with double or none, probably depends on the type. Is the only way that works.

This works for popovers too.

Solution 2:

Why can't you do it like this?

     'delay': { show: 5000, hide: 3000 }

Solution 3:

I prefer it this way:

    $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({'delay': { show: 5000, hide: 3000 }

Solution 4:

your answer doesn't work with Bootstrap 3.3.2. This one working well for my version:

data-delay='{"show":5000, "hide":3000}'
