In FTL Advanced Edition, what can be gained from manning sensor or door subsystems? [duplicate]

The Advanced Edition of FTL includes the ability to man your sensors and door subsystems. Why? What does it accomplish?

Solution 1:

Sensors and Doors can now be manned to allow them to act as if they were upgraded to one level higher than their current status.

Additionally, each system also has a fourth power level now, only reachable by upgrading it to its max of 3 power levels and then manning the system to reach its fourth level.

  • Level 3 Sensors allow you to see enemy weapons charge. (new feature)
  • Level 4 Sensors allow you to see enemy power distribution (previously level 3 did this)

  • Level 4 Doors give you Super Blast Doors. Beyond the obvious implication that these are better than Improved Blast Doors I'm not sure exactly what this means yet.

Solution 2:

In FTL: Advanced Edition, new manning options were added. Quoting the changelog:

Additional manning options: Doors and sensors can be manned to provide a +1 level boost to the system. Systems redesigned to 4 levels of power instead of the previous 3. Sensors at level 3 show the player the cooldowns of enemy weapons, while sensors at level 4 show the power bars.