Sharepoint replacement

We're looking for a sharepoint replacement.

We're looking for an open source application that runs on apache2. It should basically be a document store with comments. Integration with AD to administer permissions. We've been looking for a few days, but the google fu of multiple people have failed.

We've tried Alfresco, but it runs very slowly for us (tomcat).
We're looking into django-cms but it seems like the wrong sort of thing (built for something different)

Zimbra does much more than just sharing documents so it's probably over sized but I think you should take a look to it nevertheless, just in case you don't find anything that fits better.

At the last CeBIT I spent some minute with a guy from a small german company who said they will soon release a new opensource web based platform for secure large file sharing. It is called FTAPI and looked quite interesting. As far as I know it isn't in the wild yet but you could keep an eye on it.


I've long been thinking of using something like Subversion with TortoiseSVN as the client for document management.

Provides version control with commenting, through an Explorer interface.

Doesn't quite fit as a centralised document management, as the model involves each client downloading all the documents they would work on to their machine, then checking in from there (Sharepoint works in a similar way, but on a file level rather than repo/folder level - hidden from the user by using temp folders). Handling for binaries like Word Docs wouldn't be great, but then again, Sharepoint doesn't do anything special here either.

Simple, well tested, but not quite there. Seems like a great opportunity for development though.

Take a look at Owl. There's a live demo on the site, but you're probably best downloading it and having a play on your own. It was a pretty horrible user interface the last time I tried it, but that might have improved and you may be ok with it. Besides, any software will want user training to get the most out of it anyway.