Cannot connect to local network shares when connected to VPN. Error: "the user name could not be found"

Setup UseRasCredentials=0 as discribed here:

With some VPN setups, it is required that you go through the VPN gateway. That is how they maintain a safer network environment by not allowing you to download stuff from potentially threatening sites.

If you have a lax VPN setup, you can also uncheck the box that uses the VPN's default gateway, so any requests first hit your gateway (and domain dns) before hitting the VPN's gateway and DNS.

  • In Windows 7, I click the network icon to view my connections, right-click the VPN and choose 'Properties.'
  • Next, click the 'networking' tab.
  • for each IPv6 and IPv4 (if they are enabled), double click the item, click 'advanced,' then uncheck the 'Use default gateway on remote network' checkbox. Click OK twice and follow the steps for the remaining IP versions.

Disconnect and reconnect to the VPN, if you had it active.

If you notice any connectivity issues, reenable the default gateways. As I said previously, the VPN may require this to be enabled.