Alternative to the phrase "not to mention"?

Despite knowing how the phrase "not to mention ..." is often used, it still grates on me to use it because I am in the act of "mentioning" even as I use it. I found it helpful to read the origins of the phrase here, but I would really like to use an alternative word or phrase that means the same thing. Any suggestions?

The mentioning while professing not to mention is a figure of speech known as apophasis.

(rhetoric) the device of mentioning a subject by stating that it will not be mentioned: I shall not discuss his cowardice or his treachery

An alternative to not to mention is let alone.

I'd consider not to mention as a type of scalar focus marker. It cannot be replaced by any of the suggested wordings in the other answers without stripping it of its special focus-marking properties. Basically, X not to mention Y can be paraphrased as:

"X should be considered noteworthy; and if you don't think so, there is the related fact Y which is possibly even more noteworthy than X is."


"X supports my argument. If X does not support my argument, then there is Y which supports my argument a fortiori.

Don't leave it out of your repertoire for such silly reasons as its literal reading.

How about simply using and or as well as?

He has two houses in France, not to mention three farms in Germany.

He has two houses in France and three farms in Germany.

He has two houses in France as well as three farms in Germany.

How about using "last but not least" or simply "plus?'

They own two houses, a yacht and, last but not least, a jet.

The Urban Escape Malibu Wine Tasting Tour -- the finest of our airborne LA tours -- includes all of this, plus a helicopter trip.

Also, consider the expression "let alone" for negative statements.

We have no room for another houseguest, let alone [=even less for] an entire family.

as well as, in addition to

  • I don't like swimming, no to mention going underwater.
  • I don't like swimming, as well as going underwater.
  • I don't like dogs, not to mention cats.
  • I don't like dogs, in addition to cats.