How can I automatically add some skeleton code when creating a new file with vim
When creating a new file with vim, I would like to automatically add some skeleton code.
For example, when creating a new xml file, I would like to add the first line:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Or when creating an html file, I would like to add:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
I got something like this in my .vimrc:
au BufNewFile *.xml 0r ~/.vim/xml.skel | let IndentStyle = "xml"
au BufNewFile *.html 0r ~/.vim/html.skel | let IndentStyle = "html"
And so on, whatever you'll need.
You can save your skeleton/template to a file, for example ~/vim/skeleton.xml
Then add the following to your .vimrc
augroup Xml
au BufNewFile *.xml 0r ~/vim/skeleton.xml
augroup end
Sorry for the lateness, but I feel the way I do it might be useful to some. It uses the file's filetype, making it shorter and more dynamic than more conventional methods. It was tested only on Vim 7.3.
if has("win32") || has ('win64')
let $VIMHOME = $HOME."/vimfiles/"
let $VIMHOME = $HOME."/.vim/"
" add templates in templates/ using filetype as file name
au BufNewFile * :silent! exec ":0r ".$VIMHOME."templates/".&ft
If you want to adapt your skeleton to the context, or to the user choices, have a look at the template-expander plugins listed on vim.wikia