How can I run Dwarf Fortress in text mode (ncurses) on my Linux VPS?

Solution 1:

I was able to recreate the segfaulting by running df on a regular Ubuntu install with X turned off.

(Dwarf_Fortress:5346): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_new: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (parent)' failed
Segmentation fault

I suspect the problem is that this game expects to have a functioning GL driver available. And for that you need X running. But a VPS doesn't have X!

Instead, use Xvfb, which is a "fake" virtual X. You'll need to install xvfb and whatever dependencies it wants (probably xorg-server-core and a bunch of other stuff that may not be installed on Ubuntu Server).

Start the fake xserver up like this:

 $ Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x16 &

Then make sure your DISPLAY variable is pointed to it:

$ export DISPLAY=:1
$ ./df

I also needed to disable sound and run in TEXT mode, but it worked this way, with no X running. I hope it works for you.

Solution 2:

Have you seen this DFTerm article on the DF Wiki? It lists some dependencies that you don't seem to have listed above....

Solution 3:

You could try to use ldd to see if there is a shared object missing.

For example, something like:

ldd /usr/local/bin/df

Everything that ldd lists as "not found" is missing.

You should also try to look at all the *.so files (with ldd) if any in the game folder. You can find the *.so files by using this command: find . -iname '*.so' -type f

Solution 4:

You need to edit your init.txt. Look for a setting for [PRINT_MODE:2D] and change it to [PRINT_MODE:TEXT]

You probably want to change to [SOUND:NO] as well.

You'll only run at 80x24 unless you run inside of screen or tmux though.