What are the alternatives to Network Manager for wireless?

I was wondering if there are any GUI alternatives to the Network Manager. It seems, I always run into problems with it (unstable connections, wrong icon shown, wrong notifications, etc.).

I know of wicd, but it feels ugly.

Latest version is 1.7.4, released on 2016-01-25.

The alternative being investigated by Canonical is called ConMan, or the Intel/Moblin Connection Manager:


It's got a couple of great features that can recommend it above network manager, but it's also got some integration issues with the normal FreeDesktop setup. I believe people are working on the ubuntu packages and integration:


You can see why the two are still being worked on here:

Why are two indicator-network versions being worked on?

I wrote a very simple python script to manage network, vsnm -- Very Simple Network Manager. I have described how it works here and source code is here.

Wicd works but as other mentioned is ugly and clunky. If you need VPN support, you will also need to setup KVpnc which is just as ugly.
