How do I install Ubuntu and Windows on separate hard drives?

Solution 1:

Here's my recommendation, assuming any data on the XP drive is already backed up.

  1. With only the 250GB drive connected, use the XP CD-ROM to format the drive and install XP from scratch.
  2. Now, connect the 2TB drive and set the hard disk boot order in the BIOS so that it boots from the 2TB drive first. What should happen after that is that Windows XP will no longer boot (only temporary :)
  3. Boot from the Ubuntu Live CD, and start the installer.
  4. You will get one of the below two screens. Choose the highlighted option (don't worry, we won't delete Windows...)

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  5. This is the important part: Select the correct (blank) hard disk by checking the size displayed, as shown below:

    enter image description here

  6. Once done, reboot, and at boot up you should get a menu allowing you to choose between booting Ubuntu, or booting Windows.


Installing Windows first is necessary because if installed after Ubuntu, it will overwrite Ubuntu's bootloader (Grub) and require you to use the LiveCD to fix it. Ubuntu on the other hand will detect Windows on the other hard disk automatically and add it as a boot option.