replace anchor text with jquery

Solution 1:



to access the text inside your element. The # indicates you're searching by id. You aren't looking for a child element, so you don't need children(). Instead you want to access the text inside the element your jQuery function returns.

Solution 2:

To reference an element by id, you need to use the # qualifier.



To replace it, you could use:

$("#link1").text('New text');

The .html() function would work in this case too.

Solution 3:

$('#link1').text("Replacement text");

The .text() method drops the text you pass it into the element content. Unlike using .html(), .text() implicitly ignores any embedded HTML markup, so if you need to embed some inline <span>, <i>, or whatever other similar elements, use .html() instead.

Solution 4:

Try this, in case of id

$("#YourId").text('Your text');

OR this, in case of class

$(".YourClassName").text('Your text');