java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer

I am trying to build a simple hello world application for two days using Jersey + Google app engine. For simple AppEngine project I followed these tutorials and both works just fine

But now I am trying to add Jersey and following this tutorial

But server keeps giving me

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer

when I add these lines in web.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns="" xmlns:web=""
id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
    <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name>

I have downloaded Jersey JAX-RS 2.1 RI bundle from here and have added all jar files in WEB-INF/lib folder as described in tutorial. And even after two days nothing is working. I have searched several times on Google and apparently people who are using Maven have solved it somehow but I am not using Maven neither did the guy who wrote that tutorial.

Just to check if even com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer exists in imported Jersey jars I tried to just write this fully qualified name in Java and let the intellisense finish names but I couldn't get any intellisense after so my last guess is that there have been some package rearrangement in latest Jersey build and jersey is no longer inside com.sun. I am exhausted and I would appreciate any kind of help.

You have downloaded Jersey 2 (which RI of JAX-RS 2). The tutorial you're referring to uses Jersey 1. Download Jersey 1.17.1 from (here), should be sufficient for you.

Jersey 1 uses com.sun.jersey, and Jersey 2 uses org.glassfish.jersey hence the exception.

Also note that also init-param starting with com.sun.jersey won't be recognized by Jersey 2.


Registering Resources and Providers in Jersey 2 contains additional info on how to register classes/instances in Jersey 2.

If you are using jersey 2.x then you need different configuration in web.xml as servlet class is change in it. you can update your web.xml with following configuration.


Add this in pom


It's an eclipse setup issue, not a Jersey issue.

From this thread ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer

Right click your eclipse project Properties -> Deployment Assembly -> Add -> Java Build Path Entries -> Gradle Dependencies -> Finish.

So Eclipse wasn't using the Gradle dependencies when Apache was starting .

I also faced a similar issue. Resolved the problem by going through the step step tutorial from the below link.

  • The main thing to notice is that the jersey libraries should be placed correctly in TOMCAT WEB-INF/lib folder. It is done automatically by the Eclipse settings mentioned in the above link. It will create a WAR file with the dependent JAR Files. Else, you will run into problems with ClassNotFound Exception.

apache-tomcat-7.0.56-windows-x64\apache -tomcat-7.0.56\webapps\JerseyJSONExample\WEB-INF\lib

"11/23/2014 12:06 AM 130,458 jersey-client-1.9.jar

11/23/2014 12:06 AM 458,739 jersey-core-1.9.jar

11/23/2014 12:06 AM 147,952 jersey-json-1.9.jar

11/23/2014 12:06 AM 713,089 jersey-server-1.9.jar" 4 File(s) 1,450,238 bytes

  • The second tutorial explains about how to create a Webservice which produces and consumes JSON output.

Both the links gave a good picture on how things work and save a lot of time.