Invalid column count in CSV input on line 1 Error

Solution 1:

If your DB table already exists and you do NOT want to include all the table's columns in your CSV file, then when you run PHP Admin Import, you'll need fill in the Column Names field in the Format-Specific Options for CSV - Shown here at the bottom of the following screenshot.

In summary:

  • Choose a CSV file
  • Set the Format to CSV
  • Fill in the Column Names field with the names of the columns in your CSV
  • If your CSV file has the column names listed in row 1, set "Skip this number of queries (for SQL) or lines (for other formats), starting from the first one" to 1

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Fixed! I basically just selected "Import" without even making a table myself. phpMyAdmin created the table for me, with all the right column names, from the original document.

Solution 3:

I got the same error when importing a .csv file using phpMyAdmin.

Solution to my problem was that my computer saved the .csv file with ; (semi-colon) as delimiter instead of , (commas).

In the Format-Specific Options you can however chose "columns separated:" and select ; instead of , (comma).

In order to see what your computer stores the file in, open the .csv file in an text editor.

Solution 4:

You will need to skip first row (where column names are defined) and you will need to check which "character" is separating cells (usually is ,, but in my case was ;)

Bellow is the picture of my import:

enter image description here

Solution 5:

This is actually pretty simple to fix, I originally wrote about the fix ~10 years ago over here

What you want to do is change "Fields terminated by" from ";" to "," and then make sure that the "Use LOCAL keyword" is selected.

enter image description here