Do you have to have the Dawnguard DLC to become a werewolf?

Do I have to have the Dawnguard DLC to become a werewolf in Skyrim? I'm buying the game just for me to become one so please answer my question.

No, to become a werewolf you must do some quests in the Companions quest line, which is available without Dawnguard. In Dawnguard, you get the ability to turn into a Vampire Lord.

Long story short, no, you do not need the Dawnguard DLC to become a werewolf.

You don't need Dawnguard DLC to be werewolf. But having Dawnguard, you will have another tree perk for werewolf that will give your werewolf more edge than being an ordinary werewolf without the Dawnguard DLC.