What is the difference between save and insert in Mongo DB?

What is the difference between save and insert in Mongo DB? both looks the same



Save Vs Insert :

In your given examples, the behavior is essentially the same.

save behaves differently if it is passed with an "_id" parameter.

For save, If the document contains _id, it will upsert querying the collection on the _id field, If not, it will insert.

If a document does not exist with the specified _id value, the save() method performs an insert with the specified fields in the document.

If a document exists with the specified _id value, the save() method performs an update, replacing all field in the existing record with the fields from the document.

Save vs Update :

update modifies an existing document matched with your query params. If there is no such matching document, that's when upsert comes in picture.

  • upsert : false : Nothing happens when no such document exist
  • upsert : true : New doc gets created with contents equal to query params and update params

save : Doesn't allow any query-params. if _id exists and there is a matching doc with the same _id, it replaces it. When no _id specified/no matching document, it inserts the document as a new one.

Let us consider the two cases here for save :-

1) Having _id in doc.

2) Not having _id in doc.

                        Save ()
                        /     \
                       /       \

                 Having _id     Not Having _id 

  ->In this case save will do    ->  It will do normal insertion 
    upsert to insert.Now             in this case as insert() do.
    what that means, it means 
    take the document and replace 
    the complete document having same

Let us consider the two cases here for insert:-

1) Having _id of doc in collection.

2) Not having _id of doc in collection.

                       /        \
                      /          \

   Doc Having _id in collection    Doc Not Having _id 
  ->  E11000 duplicate key     ->Insert a new doc inside the collection.
      error index:       

save insert or update a document.

insert does only an insertion.

But in your case, it will do the same, as the document provided in save has no _id field.