How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

I'm trying to import and existing Android project into my current Eclipse workspace. I select File->New->Android Project, which brings up the Android project dialog, I then select, "Create project from existing source", Location, Build Target and Finish.

I get the following error: Invalid project description.

Does anybody know how to get past this error?

  1. File → Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace → Next
  2. Select root directory: /path/to/project
  3. Projects → Select All
  4. Uncheck Copy projects into workspace and Add project to working sets
  5. Finish

Solved: If you want to "Create project from existing source", you need to create a new directory and then put the project directory tree into that new directory. Then point to the new directory when importing.

This error message appears when the source code you try to import is inside an existing workspace.

Put your source code in a directory OUTSIDE any existing workspace and then import