Django DoesNotExist
I am having issues on trying to figure "DoesNotExist Errors", I have tried to find the right way for manage the no answer results, however I continue having issues on "DoesNotExist" or "Object hast not Attribute DoestNotExists"
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.utils import simplejson
from vehicles.models import *
from gpstracking.models import *
def request_statuses(request):
data = []
vehicles = Vehicle.objects.filter()
for vehicle in vehicles:
vehicledevice = vehicle.vehicledevice_set.get(is_joined__exact = True)
imei = vehicledevice.device.imei
lastposition = vehicledevice.device.devicetrack_set.latest('date_time_process')
altitude = lastposition.altitude
latitude = lastposition.latitude
longitude = lastposition.longitude
date_time_process = lastposition.date_time_process.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
date_time_created = lastposition.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
except Vehicle.vehicledevice.device.DoesNotExist:
lastposition = None
altitude = None
latitude = None
longitude = None
date_time_process = None
date_time_created = None
except Vehicle.DoesNotExist:
vehicledevice = None
imei = ''
item = [,
"Lat %s Lng %s" % (latitude, longitude),
statuses = {
"sEcho": 1,
"iTotalRecords": vehicles.count(),
"iTotalDisplayRecords": vehicles.count(),
"aaData": data
json = simplejson.dumps(statuses)
return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json')
Solution 1:
This line
except Vehicle.vehicledevice.device.DoesNotExist
means look for device instance for DoesNotExist exception, but there's none, because it's on class level, you want something like
except Device.DoesNotExist
Solution 2:
I have found the solution to this issue using ObjectDoesNotExist on this way
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
# try something
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# do something
After this, my code works as I need
Thanks any way, your post help me to solve my issue
Solution 3:
The solution that i believe is best and optimized is:
try: #your code except "ModelName".DoesNotExist: #your code