How can I set a default zoom level in Safari?

I've got a Mac Mini that I'm using as a Home Theatre PC, and my only real complaint is that I can't set a default zoom level in Safari. It's hard to read all that tiny text from 7 feet away from my TV set, so I'm always zooming in.

So: is there some extension or hidden hack way to force Safari to zoom in automatically?

In the latest version of Safari (11), go to:

Safari -> Preferences -> Websites -> Page Zoom

There you can set the default page zoom for all sites or a specific site.

This seems to be a native feature of Safari now (the Page Zoom setting under the Advanced tab in preferences is gone.)

enter image description here

According to this post from Apple's Safari Support discussion forum:

1) Create a file named defaultzoom.css (or any name you like, just make sure it has a css extension.)

2) Copy and paste in the following:

    body {  
      zoom: 130%;  

change 130 to whatever number suits you. >100 means zoom in, <100 means zoom out. Don't forget the % percent sign!

3) In safari, go to Preferences > Advanced. Under style sheet, select Other... and point to the file you created.

4) You may need to restart safari for the change to take effect.

[In the above, both the emphasis and code formatting (for non-code-related text) were added to the original quote by Am1rr3zA].

There is a wonderful safari extension, SafariMagnifier, which can set default zoom-in scale for every page.