How to enable persistent option in disk creator?

Solution 1:

Maybe you are experiencing this bug? See if the workaround described in comment #4 works for you:

I came up with a workaround:

Copy your ISO image to /tmp or somewhere else not automatically destected by usb-creator.

Choose 'Other' and select that ISO

Select that image from the listing

Now it's not greyed out anymore and you can also go back to select your original image and it will be good.


Solution 2:

From my understanding, the persistent partition is mounted after the root partition is mounted - so you are out of luck.

A workaround is to remaster the ISO and install nvidia-current package on it - you can download the package for remastering here. Once it offers to go into console, do so and run apt-get install nvidia-current. You can then create a new USB with the ISO it produces (usually located in your home directory). Note that you might need 4-5 GB of free space (the final ISO is ~700 megs, though)

Solution 3:

I find the USB creator to be a bit buggy sometimes, but here's how it usually works for me:

  • Select /dev/sdb,
  • Click on 'Erase Disk > Yes' ('Datenträger Löschen > Ja'),
  • Wait a bit until that red exclamation mark next to '/dev/sdb1' disappears,
  • Select /dev/sdb1 - now you should be able to choose the amount of persistent space.