Entity Framework v2 doesn't support sql 2000?

Submitted a support call to microsoft and they responded:

Entity Framework v2 doesn’t support sql 2000

Here is there response:

Thank you for posting this bug. Unfortunately, a business decision was made to no longer support SQL Server 2000 in this scenario.

So no support for sql 2000 in entity framework v2 in .net 4.0

I have a work around that has not been disqualified yet.

How To Use Entity Framework 4 With Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2000

What happens if you generate model with VS 2008 and then convert that project to VS2010 and change target framework to .Net 4.0?

Actually EF 4.0 supports SQL Server 2000. It's the Database Explorer in Visual Studio 2010 that does not support SQL Server 2000. To work around this, don't use the Database Explorer. Instead just create an Empty model then overwrite the connection string in the config file with your SQL Server 2000 connection string. Then you can use Update Model From Database in the EF designer to add your objects.