Is there an icon pack for nautilus right click menu?

Solution 1:

You can enable this option (It's disabled by default) in the configuration manager. This should be available through Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Manager (The System Tools menu may be hidden - you can make it visible by going to System -> Preferences -> Main Menu and selecting the checkbox next to System Tools, and possibly the one next to Configuration Editor in side the System Tools menu). Alternatively you can run gconf-tool from the command line.

You'll need to navigate to desktop -> gnome -> interface

alt text

Select menus_have_icons and check the box.

If you want the quick one liner you can enter the following in your terminal

gconftool --set --type bool /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons 0

This is the outcome

alt text

Solution 2:

See comment 4 for bug 974915 "Nautilus Context menu missing icons".

Sebastien Bacher wrote on 2012-04-06:

icons for most components got turned off like 2 years ago, they are only there in menu for objects like applications or directories, not for actions etc

Sebastien Bacher wrote on 2012-04-09:

it's not a bug, it's a design decision

But the following tip works!

  1. Execute Alt+F2 → run gnome-tweak-tool
  2. Navigate to "Theme" settings
  3. Enable icons in Context menus using the sliders "Menus Have Icons" and "Buttons Have Icons"
  4. Restsart Gnome Shell doing Alt+F2r

Solution 3:

For ubuntu 12.04 to 15.04+

To enable menu have icons, run:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface menus-have-icons true

To enable button have icons, run:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface buttons-have-icons true

To do it graphically install dconf-editor or dconf-tools
