Is there a native terminal in OS X, without having to load the desktop, window manager, etc? [duplicate]
I don't think Single User Mode is really what you want.
A better idea is to use a console login.
To do this, first you have the login window set to show “Name and Password”:
Then you can login as ">console" as the username (no password) and get a terminal prompt.
It's not very pretty, but it's handy if you need it.
In addition to what TJ Luoma said, you can also:
Go to the normal login screen, with the list of users.
Select one (any, it doesn't matter) with the keyboard.
Press ⌥ Option+↩︎ Return.
in the username field, leaving the password blank.Press ↩︎ Return and log in.
Unfortunately I haven't had much luck with this—sometimes it just doesn't show up, with or without an external display.
What you are looking for is called Single-User mode. Restart the computer, once you hear the start-up chime, hold down Command-S and OS X will load everything but the GUI.