Import/Index a JSON file into Elasticsearch

Solution 1:

The right command if you want to use a file with curl is this:

curl -XPOST 'http://jfblouvmlxecs01:9200/test/_doc/1' -d @lane.json

Elasticsearch is schemaless, therefore you don't necessarily need a mapping. If you send the json as it is and you use the default mapping, every field will be indexed and analyzed using the standard analyzer.

If you want to interact with Elasticsearch through the command line, you may want to have a look at the elasticshell which should be a little bit handier than curl.

2019-07-10: Should be noted that custom mapping types is deprecated and should not be used. I updated the type in the url above to make it easier to see which was the index and which was the type as having both named "test" was confusing.

Solution 2:

Per the current docs,

If you’re providing text file input to curl, you must use the --data-binary flag instead of plain -d. The latter doesn’t preserve newlines.


$ curl -s -XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary @requests

Solution 3:

We made a little tool for this type of thing

Solution 4:

One thing I've not seen anyone mention: the JSON file must have one line specifying the index the next line belongs to, for every line of the "pure" JSON file.


{"line_id":1,"play_name":"Henry IV","speech_number":"","line_number":"","speaker":"","text_entry":"ACT I"}

Without that, nothing works, and it won't tell you why