How to remove a project (from the workspace) in PHPStorm?

How can I delete (and not simply close) a project in PHPStorm?

Solution 1:

**Two Approaches for PHPSTORM 2018.3 Version **

A. Eternal Removal or Deletion from Hardware and Phpstorm IDE

  Please visit the folder 'PhpstormProjects' and delete the project file manually. If you do so, you will see the folder disappear from Phpstorm explore window. This might be weird, but true.

B. Remove from the recent project panel of Phpstorm 2018.3 (The folder after such removal will hide and a creation of the same name of project will restore the removed from the recent project panel.)

    1. Click  File > Close project 

    2. From Recent projects, select project, press the fn(on normal keyboard -       key between right Alt and Ctrl, not windows key)+Delete

Solution 2:

Backspace did the trick for me (Windows 7 + PHPStorm 7.1.3). You might want to try Fn+Backspace as well.

Solution 3:

I know this post is a little old, but for MAC OS X phpStorm 6*, on the welcome to JetBrains PhpStorm page (under the recent projects use arrow keys up/down to select the project you want to remove, the hold the fn+delete.


Solution 4:

Follow this simple steps:

  1. Just close project by using file menu.
  2. Select project name from Recent Projects at left side panel by using up/down arrow keys.
  3. Now just press Del key on keyboard.

Solution 5:

  1. Click File > Close project
  2. From Recent projects, select project, press the Fn + Delete on your keyboard

If you want delete a project entirely, delete the ".idea" folder within the project under Finder. This folder is hidden by default (i:e that's because it starts with a dot "." ). You will need to enable "View Hidden Files/Folders" in Finder