Geodesic curvature of sphere parallels

I want to compute the geodesic curvature of any circle on a sphere (not necessarily a great circle).


The geodesic curvature is given by the formula $$\kappa_g=\gamma'' \cdot (\textbf{N}\times \gamma ')$$ or $$\kappa_g=\pm \kappa \sin \psi$$ where $\gamma$ is a unit-speed curve of the surface, $\textbf{N}$ is the normal unit of the surface, $\kappa$ is the curvature of $\gamma$ and $\psi$ is the angle between $\textbf{N}$ and the principal normal $n$ of $\gamma$.


We consider a circle of radius $r$.

Could you give me some hints how we could calculate the geodesic curvature?



enter image description here

You need to write down parametric equations for the circle. Then you can compute various derivatives and apply the formulae you cited.

Set up a coordinate system that has its origin at the center of the sphere and its positive $z$-axis going through the center of the circle.

Suppose the sphere has radius $a$ and the circle has radius $r$, where $r \le a$. Then the circle lies in the plane $z=h$, where $h = \sqrt{a^2 - r^2}$, and a unit-speed parameterization is \begin{align} x &= r \cos(\theta/r) \\ y &= r\sin(\theta/r) \\ z &= h = \sqrt{a^2 - r^2} \end{align} So, we have $$ \gamma(\theta) = \left(r \cos\frac{\theta}{r}, \; r \sin\frac{\theta}{r}, \; \sqrt{a^2 - r^2}\right) $$ $$ \gamma'(\theta) = \left(- \sin\frac{\theta}{r}, \; \cos\frac{\theta}{r}, \; 0\right) $$ $$ \gamma''(\theta) = \left(-\frac{1}{r} \cos\frac{\theta}{r}, \; -\frac{1}{r} \sin\frac{\theta}{r}, \; 0\right) $$ The surface normal $\mathbf{N}$ at the point $\gamma(\theta)$ is just $\gamma(\theta)/a$, so $$ \mathbf{N}(\theta) = \left(\frac{r}{a} \cos\frac{\theta}{r}, \; \frac{r}{a} \sin\frac{\theta}{r}, \; \frac{\sqrt{a^2 - r^2}}{a} \right) $$ Then a straightforward computation shows that $$ \kappa_g = \gamma'' \cdot (\mathbf{N}\times \gamma ') = \frac{h}{ra} = \frac{\sqrt{a^2 - r^2}}{ra} $$ The result is actually easier to obtain from the second formula for $\kappa_g$. The vectors $\mathbf{N}$ and $\mathbf{n}$ are shown in the OP's picture, and $\psi$ is the angle between them. The complementary angle ${\pi}- \psi$ lies in in the triangle with sides $a$, $h$, $r$, which gives us $\sin(\pi - \psi) = \text{opposite}/\text{hypotenuse} = h/a$. Then $\sin\psi = \sin(\pi - \psi) = h/a$. Obviously $\kappa = 1/r$, so $$ \kappa_g = \kappa\, \sin\psi = \frac{1}{r}\frac{h}{a} = \frac{h}{ra} = \frac{\sqrt{a^2 - r^2}}{ra} $$

For a more intrinsic perspective, parametrize the sphere as $$\varphi(u,v)=(\sin(u)\cos(v),\sin(u)\sin(v),\cos(u)),$$

so that the coefficients of the first fundamental for are $E=1$, $F=0$ and $G=\sin^2(u)$. Then a lattitude circle on the sphere is a $v$-curve associated with this parametrization, and thus may be parametrized as $$\alpha_v(t)=\varphi(u_0,t)=(\sin(u_0)\cos(t),\sin(u_0)\sin(t),\cos(u_0)),$$ with $0<u_0<\pi$. Its arclength parametrization is then given by $$\beta(s)=\varphi\left(u_0,\frac{s}{\sin(u_0)}\right).$$ Now when $F=0$ there is a nice formula for the geodesic curvature $\kappa_g$ of an arclength parametrized curve of the form $\varphi(u(s),v(s))$ (for a general parametrization $\varphi$ of a regular surface), namely, $$\kappa_g=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{EG}}(G_uv'-E_vu')+\theta',$$ where $\theta$ is the angle from $\varphi_u$ to the velocity vector of the curve, where $\varphi_u=\frac{\partial}{\partial u}\varphi$. In our case, the velocity vector $\beta'(s)$ is precisely $\varphi_v=\frac{\partial}{\partial v}\varphi$, which is always orthogonal to $\varphi_u$ since $F=0$, thus $\theta'=0$. Moreover, we have $u'=0$, $v'=1/\sin{u_0}$ and $G_u=2\sin(u_0)\cos(u_0)$, thus $$\kappa_g=\cot(u_0).$$

The derivation of geodesic curvature is correct. I shall attempt putting all so far into one perspective.

Total curvature has two orthogonal components, normal and geodesic: $ k_n, k_g. $

Normal/ geodesic curvatures are : $k_n = 1/ a, k_g = 1/ R_g, $ Latitude $ \lambda ( \psi) = \tan^{-1} \dfrac{k_g}{k_n}. $

Geodesic curvature for any surface of revolution is the reciprocal of tangent length up to axis of symmetry as shown.
