How do I switch to another subversion branch in Intellij?

Just discovered switching branches is done using the update dialog (VCS -> Update Project, ⌘T), where I can select any branch, tag or revision I want.

For noobs like me that checked the "don't show this again" box in the beginning, and don't have the subversion update dialog prompting anymore, try this:

  1. Use the command menu "Version Control" -> Show Changes View
  2. In this view, go to tab "Subversion Working Copies Information"
  3. Here you should find a "Configure Branches" link were you should be able to switch trunk & branches

If I may say, this seems quite complex, if anyone has better, I would be glad to hear :-)

Just use the "Subversion" -> "Update Directory..." with options. In case the "Update options" dialog is turned off, here is how one can move it back:

  1. Go to: "Settings" -> "Version Control" -> "Confirmation"
  2. Check the box "Display options dialog ..." for "Update"