os x terminal -remove files older than x days

trying to create a scripts that deletes files older than X days. It seemed straight forward enough but all files seem to be getting removed?

find /Volumes/Groups/Projects/530_BFAMI/test/ -ctime +30 -print -exec rm {} \;

any ideas welcome!?

Also would be good to print file information for matches as maybe my dates are misleading in finder?

Never suggesting -exec rm ....

rm is simply too dangerous command. Always dry-run first. IMHO it is better using this:

find /Volumes/Groups/Projects/530_BFAMI/test/ -ctime +30 -print0 | xargs -0 -n1

this will show the dry-run and only when you satisfied you can add the rm to the end

find /Volumes/Groups/Projects/530_BFAMI/test/ -ctime +30 -print0 | xargs -0 rm

If you start using this piped to xargs version, you can always add more filters, like:

find /some/where -mtime +3d -print0 | grep -ziE '\.(jpg|png|gif)$' | xargs -0 rm

and similar (more) powerful combinations.

To answer the question asked in your comment: You can join separate criteria just by listing them, one after the other. If you prefer, you can use -a or -and in between them, but these are redundant. You can also use -o or -or for the OR operator, and you can use parentheses – which must be quoted to protect them from the shell, as in \( and \) for grouping.

For the full details, run: man find

It is considered dangerous to use -exec rm without first ls. You should probably check that first. Reverse check is also a good hint to tell you if your timing is correct.

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime -30d -exec ls -latr {} \;


find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -atime -30d -exec ls -latr {} \;
  1. Constrain your find result. Make sure what you explicitly ask for.
  2. Compare to see if the opposite result is what actually has been excluded from your original command.
  3. Probably -mtime or -atime are more appropraite but again compare the result and see if they are actually what you need.