In the new Loot 2.0 system, when are a legendary item's stats determined?

Blizz have made it so it's much more likely to get items which are relevant to your character. Whilst overall great, I'm now struggling to gear up my followers.

If I find a legendary shield with my wizard, identifying it will inevitably lead to a pointless shield full of int. However if I stash it and then ID it with my Barb, will it then have strength and be useful for the templar?

When are a legendary item's stats determined, when it drops, or when it is identified?

Item stats are determined upon drop. If you stash it and later identify it on a different class, it will still be specific to the class that it dropped on for you. If the item does have stats for a different class, those stats were still predetermined on the drop. This is because Loot 2.0 does not guarantee that all drops will be specific to your class, so although rare, there are possible exceptions.

If it is to follow the current system, it will be determined upon drop. Quote from the wiki:

Item stats are set the moment the item is generated, and are based on the monster or object that drops the item, the item level, and the character's Magic Find. How or when a player identifies an item has no effect on the stats or the quality of the roll, and any superstitions to the contrary are unfounded.

I could not find any solid info for 2.0, but from what I've at least heard the identify system will not change, just how relevant loot is towards the class you play and so on.

Edit: A bit more fumbling, there are indications that the identification system might even be removed in 2.0, or near future. Simple speculation, but if you ask me it makes sense as the system is kinda redundant anyway. Considering the 2.0 or RoS isn't even out yet, we need to just wait and see, things can still be changed.