Is there a "save desktop icon arrangement" option in windows?

Windows actually has this ability built-in, but it's not in the UI anywhere by default.

Save the following snippet as layout.reg and double click it to add its contents to the registry. Then you'll be able to save/restore icon layout by right-clicking on the desktop.

Adds ability to save and restore desktop icon layout from the desktop context menu.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Desktop Icon Layout"



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved]
"{19F500E0-9964-11cf-B63D-08002B317C03}"="Desktop Icon Layout"

At work we have UltraMon installed which has a "Save/Restore Destop Icon Positions" feature.

I know, if you don't have multiple monitors, it's a bit silly to install a multi-monitor tool, especially if you have to pay for it. But I thought to share my experience, as the only time I use that feature is indeed after my laptop has been hooked up to a projector.

I would advice you to try Fences first as that one is free (for personal use) ;-)

I use Desktop Restore. It lets you save different layouts depending on screen resolution. I have separate layouts for my laptop on its own and when it's dual screen with an external monitor. Probably the best utility I've ever found.

Keep in mind, I've not tried this myself, but I'll put this out there in the hope it may come to some use to you.

Create a new user. You should get a clean desktop. I don't think XP might remember the resolutions of the each user separately (though you may want to try it anyways), but if you log out of your default account and into this user account for your presentations, and then log back into the default one afterward you should have everything just as you left it.

btw, if you don't see the log off option in your start menu just right click properties and set it to display it as an option OR you could just ctl+alt+del and log out from there.