Calculating date time in perl

am new to perl am trying to do a script which can check

last seen / days / hours and minutes

i have made some try.

but i need help to make it function well


use DateTime;

my $Datetime = DateTime->now;

my $date = $Datetime->ymd;   
my $time = $Datetime->hms;

$Seen_time = "11:50:02";
$Seen_day = "2022-01-12";

if ($Seen_time eq $time) {
    print "His Online\n";

elsif  ($Seen_time ne $time) {
    # calculate how many minutes has passed from current time and seen time
    print "He was online 3 minutes or hours back\n";

elsif  ($Seen_day)  {
    # calculate days from date 
    print "he was online 2 days back\n";
else {
      print "we are going to moon soon\n";

Here is a very rough implementation using DateTime::Format::Human::Duration as Håkon Hægland suggested, you will need to fine tune the output:

use DateTime;
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use DateTime::Duration;
use DateTime::Format::Human::Duration;

my $Datetime = DateTime->now;

my $Seen_time = "11:50:02";
my $Seen_day = "2022-01-12";
# You probably need to take the above and get it in a DateTime object this is just for the example:
my $seen = DateTime->new(year => 2022, day => 12, month => 1, hour => 11, minute => 50, second => 2);

#you could use the DateTime->compare method to compare two DateTime objects. The semantics are compatible with Perl's sort function; 
#it returns -1 if $seen < $Datetime etc.

my $cmp = DateTime->compare( $seen, $Datetime );

if (!$cmp) {
    print "He is Online\n";

elsif  ($cmp == -1) {
    my $d = DateTime::Duration->new();
    my $span = DateTime::Format::Human::Duration->new();
    my $dur = $Datetime - $seen;
    # You can fine tune this output to just me hours or whatever:
    print "He was online " . $span->format_duration($dur) .  " ago \n";

else {
      print "We are going to moon soon\n";