How do I add a zsh plugin with prezto?

Im not very familiar with the whole zsh ecosystem and there is some stuff that has confused me.

Im using prezto (I know I dont need a framework) which has mostly all the things I need out of the box but I also want this:

How do I install plugins with prezto? Prezto has its own "modules" and there does not appear to be one for conda autocompletion. How to I install this plugin?

Does prezto not support installing zsh plugins and I have to install it manually?

  1. Inside Prezto's base dir, create a dir called contrib.
  2. Inside this contrib dir, git clone the conda-zsh-completion plugin.
  3. In your ~/.zpreztorc file, add conda-zsh-completion to zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule.
  4. Restart your terminal.

To update the plugin, cd into its dir and do git pull.

Documentation on using external plugins with Prezto can be found here: