Yosemite magic Mouse and a bluetooth disconnection party

I hope some real OSX Nerds read this. Since Yosemite I have the problem taht I can't use the Magic Mouse anymore. It disconnects and reconnects every 5-60 second.

I find this in the console logs:

05.11.14 14:39:22,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::willTerminate] entered
05.11.14 14:39:22,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::stop] entered
05.11.14 14:39:35,000 kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::init][85.3] init is complete
05.11.14 14:39:35,000 kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::handleStart][85.3] returning 1
05.11.14 14:39:35,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchHIDEventDriver::start] entered
05.11.14 14:39:35,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::start] entered

Can somebody hint me in the right direction, how to solve that problem? Please.

it's so anoying

Best regards Mirco

Solution 1:

Update! - Delete "Bluetooth PAN" from network settings and wifi and bluetooth will instantly work better. Credit: http://ihealthgeek.com/2015/02/yosemite-10-10-2-wifi-and-bluetooth-finally-solved-no-really/ Delete Bluetooth PAN from Network settings to fix yosemite bluetooth/wifi issue

Otherwise, you can try my previous approach that works better, but is still a nuisance.

  1. Turn off bluetooth on macbook
  2. turn off keyboard/mouse
  3. turn on bluetooth on macbook
  4. Hold power-on key on keyboard WHILE
  5. Choose the Bluetooth>Device>Connect from the macbook
  6. Connection should succeed immediately
  7. Release power button on device

This has worked for me repeatedly after trying the PRAM and other no-fix fixes. It's a pain to do, but works everytime for me, and stays connected until I leave the room.

Solution 2:

i know it may sound weird. I tried clearing PRAM and did all other things...But my mouse will not connect to the mac. Then one day i found out it will solve my problem of magic mouse not connecting to mac.:

  • disable blutooth
  • go to finder
  • click on AirDrop on left
  • click on Turn on Blutooth( not from main navigation menu, but this option is visible in finder when you clicked on AirDrop with blutooth off)
  • click on allow me to be discovered by everyone on the bottom
  • try to pair