Left headphone have significantly lower volume than right one - Macbook Pro 2012

Solution 1:

I found out it was volume setting problem, that could be changed in "Audio MIDI setup"

Plug in the headphones (if there is problem with headphones - if problem exists when using internal speakers, don't plug headphones)

Find in Spotlight "Audio MIDI setup" app:

Results from Spotlight

And open app :

Audio MIDI setup app, wrong settings

Make sure that channel 1 and 2 have THE SAME volume set up. Set every channel to value "1" as here :

Audio MIDI setup app, appropriate settings

I have no idea how this disproportion in volume happened. But I would like to know. (I haven't tinker with volume before - except simple volume up/down via headphone control or keyboard's function keys)

This answer is based on the "The Hefster's" answer from :


The Heftster's answer from Apple Discussion page (I post screenshot because https://discussions.apple.com doesn't support linking to stand alone posts)

Solution 2:

Weird solution but it worked for me. I noticed one of the 'holes' of my right EarPod played sound a lot softer than the others did. In my rather desperate attempt at getting it to work properly again, I tried blowing and sucking in to it. It did the job, hopefully it will for you as well.