Is mathematics necessary for programming? [closed]

To answer your question as it was posed I would have to say, "No, mathematics is not necessary for programming". However, as other people have suggested in this thread, I believe there is a correlation between understanding mathematics and being able to "think algorithmically". That is, to be able to think abstractly about quantity, processes, relationships and proof.

I started programming when I was about 9 years old and it would be a stretch to say I had learnt much mathematics by that stage. However, with a bit of effort I was able to understand variables, for loops, goto statements (forgive me, I was Vic 20 BASIC and I hadn't read any Dijkstra yet) and basic co-ordinate geometry to put graphics on the screen.

I eventually went on to complete an honours degree in Pure Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science. Although I focused mainly on analysis, I also studied quite a bit of discrete maths, number theory, logic and computability theory. Apart from being able to apply a few ideas from statistics, probability theory, vector analysis and linear algebra to programming, there was little maths I studied that was directly applicable to my programming during my undergraduate degree and the commercial and research programming I did afterwards.

However, I strongly believe the formal methods of thinking that mathematics demands — careful reasoning, searching for counter-examples, building axiomatic foundations, spotting connections between concepts — has been a tremendous help when I have tackled large and complex programming projects.

Consider the way athletes train for their sport. For example, footballers no doubt spend much of their training time on basic football skills. However, to improve their general fitness they might also spend time at the gym on bicycle or rowing machines, doing weights, etc.

Studying mathematics can be likened to weight-training or cross-training to improve your mental strength and stamina for programming. It is absolutely essential that you practice your basic programming skills but studying mathematics is an incredible mental work-out that improves your core analytic ability.

While advanced mathematics may not be required for programming (unless you are programming advanced mathematics capability) the thought process of programming and mathematics are very similar. You begin with a base of known things (axioms, previously proven theories) and try to get to someplace new. You cannot skip steps. If you do skip steps, then you are required to fill in the blanks. It's a critical thought process that makes the two incredibly similar.

Also, mathematicians and programmers both think critically in the abstract. Real world things are represented by objects and variables. The ability to translate from concrete to abstract also links the two fields.

There's a very good chance that if you're good at one, you will probably be good at the other.

computer science != programming

OK, seriously, I know good and bad programmers who were English and Psychology majors and some that were Computer Science majors. Some very famous guys that I admire as developers didn't have a CS background. Larry Wall(Perl), for example, was a linguist. On the other hand, it helps to know something about the domain you are working on because then you can at least see if your data makes sense and help your customer/users drill down to what they really want. And yes, there's the issue of computational complexity and efficient data structures and program correctness. That's stuff you learn in Computer Science and that's useful to know in almost any domain, but it's neither necessary nor sufficient.

I guess I am going to be the first person to say you do need math. As others have said math is not all that important for certain aspects of development, but the fundamentals of critical thinking and structured analysis are very important.

More so, math is important in understanding a lot of the fundamentals that go into things like schedulers, optimizations, sorting, protocol management, and a number of other aspects of computers. Though the math involved from a calculation level is not complex (its mostly High school algebra) the theories and applications can be quite complex as a solid understanding of math through calculus will be of great benefit.

Can you get by without it, absolutely, and you shouldnt let a less then thorough knowledge of math hold you back, but if you had the chance, or the inclination I would study as much math as you could, calculus, numeric theory, linear algebra, combinatorics, practical applications, all of it has both practical and theoretical applications in a wide range of computer science.

I have known people who were highly successful on both sides of the fence (those without a strong focus on math, and those who went to school for physics or math), but in both groups they enjoyed numerical problems and learning about algorithms and math theory.

I have a maths degree, but I can't remember requiring that maths a single time in my career. It was useful in terms of training my mind for logical thinking, but I've not written any code using fluid dynamics, quantum theory or Markov Chains. (The last is the most likely to come up, I suspect.)

Most line-of-business developers won't need advanced maths most of the time. Sometimes knowing trigonometry can help, and certainly being able to understand enough maths to implement algorithms described mathematically can be important - but beyond that? Nah.

Don't forget that most programmers aren't advancing computer science - they're building applications. I don't need to know advanced engineering to drive a modern car, even though that car has almost certainly been improved through advanced engineering.