Shortest Method To Reference A Single Row/Column of a Named Range in Excel?

I have a named range (NamedRange1) and I need to reference the first row and first column of that range within a formula. I came up with the following:

  • First row:

    INDIRECT("R" & ROW(UnpivotSource) & "C" & COLUMN(UnpivotSource) & ":R"& ROWS(UnpivotSource) +ROW(UnpivotSource) -1 & "C" & COLUMN(UnpivotSource),0)

  • First column:

    INDIRECT("R" & ROW(UnpivotSource) & "C" & COLUMN(UnpivotSource) & ":R"& ROW(UnpivotSource) & "C" & COLUMNS(UnpivotSource) + COLUMN(UnpivotSource) -1,0)

This seems cumbersome, especially since the Excel object model exposes Rows and Columns in VBA. Is there a more concise way of expressing this?





Note that this will only work for contiguous named-ranges, there's an index function for areas of a range, but it could get tricky if you wanted something other than the first row or column.