Cut and Paste in Mac OS X's Finder [duplicate]

Solution 1:

In the Finder the keyboard shortcut to "Go to Folder…" is shiftG

Unfortunately, the Mac OS X Finder is widely regarded as the weak point to Apple's operating system. If you're looking for Cut/Paste support in the Finder, one solution to try is a Finder replacement called Path Finder. It has many other enhancements that make it a more powerful file browser than the Finder.

If you're looking for keyboard control in file manipulation/launching, you could try a utility like Quicksilver (free) or LaunchBar, both sport an easy way to navigate files with the keyboard. Quicksilver even supports an easy way to move files similar to, but more powerful than, Windows cut/paste.

Edit: Here's the Quicksilver tutorial page. From your question, I'm guessing this is the sort of utility you'd enjoy, as it gives you keyboard control magic.

Edit 2: Woo, old answer! Maybe about time I updated it. The Finder has added support for keyboard moving of files since OS X Lion. C to copy a file, V to paste a copy in the new location, V to permanently move the copied file to the new location.

Solution 2:

In 10.7 you can press ⌥⌘V to Move Selection Here. ⌘C,⌥⌘V is equivalent to what ⌘X,⌘V should do.

Another thing that was finally fixed is that you can now copy files, move them to the trash, and then paste them from the trash.

Solution 3:

Copy and Paste works with files in the finder. Cutting and Pasting (i.e. moving) was disabled for some reason. I miss it too!

You can always use the terminal to move/copy/link files (incl. auto completion!)

cp -R /source/folder /destination/
mv /files/to/move/* /destination/directory/
ln -s /file/to/link /file/to/link/to

There is a nice tool called "Visor" that lets you bind your terminal to a hotkey and pop it op like a quake console. Another way is using spotlight to open Terminal.

[edit] Another thing came to my mind: You can use "spring loaded folders" (i'm not sure if this feature is called that way) to move (cut-n-paste) files and folders. See this video to get a demo (skip the blabla at the beginning).

In addition to that you can use the modifier keys (ALT, CRTL, APPLE) to define the action you want to execute.

Solution 4:

Why not just open two windows, source and destination, and drag the file or files from the source folder window to the destination folder window. If the source and destination files are on different volumes, hold down the "Command" key so the source file is deleted after it is copied to the destination.