Netbook screen too small, Software fix?

Virtual Screen

Use a virtual screen larger than the physical screen size.

Often this can be done by:

  1. Adding something like "Virtual 1024x800" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf then
  2. Restarting X11 (using Ctrl+Alt+Backspace on those distributions/configurations that support this).

What if I have Ubuntu?

On Ubuntu Ctrl+Alt+Backspace does not restart X11. If using Ubuntu, your options are one of:

  • sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
  • System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layout -> Key to kill X -> [/] Ctrl+Alt+BS
  • Reboot if you can't figure out a better way to restart X11.

Moving windows that are larger than screen

As JamesGecko's Answer suggests ...

The KDE window manager, Kwin "lets you easily move windows by pressing the ALT button. You can then just click on a window's content. While you hold the left mouse button pressed, windows will move". -

You can therfore grab a window somewhere in it's lowest visible region and drag it up to reveal any [OK], [Cancel] or other buttons at the bottom that were formerly offscreen and inaccessible.

Unlike with Windows 7, you don't have to settle with the default way of managing windows. There are several different windowmanagers to choose from. Some of these are "tiling" window managers, which should solve problems conserning window placement.

When it comes to window size, you can change the DPI and font sizes in X to make windows smaller. For some applications, you can turn off toolbars and run them in fullscreen mode.

In Gnome when I hold down the alt key, allows me to click and drag anywhere in the window to move it. KDE has something similar, although I'm not sure if the key is alt. You can use this as a workaround to use windows that are larger than the screen.