findstr 2 arguments and 2 events

I create a XML file from PRTG status monitor. in this XML file are values >4< for warning and >5< for error.

With findstr and if errorlevel I can only check if one of the value is true or false, but I want to check both values.

the goal to achieve is:

  • when only >4< is in XML file, a serial string "warning_found" is sent to COM port.
  • when only >5< is in XML file, a serial string "error_found" is sent to COM port.
  • when >4< and >5< is in XML file, a serial string "error_found" is sent to COM port.
  • when none of the 2 values are in XML file, a serial string "noerrord" is sent to COM port.

At the moment i have a functional batch file for only 2 variables => error and noerror (see below) but I want to implement the warning parameter as well:

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
del %temp%\tmp.xml>nul 2>&1

::Init Variables
set url=""
set parameter="content=sensors&columns=status&username=wey&passhash=3085906047"
set com=COM3
set baud=9600
set parity=n
set data=8

::Read XML
curl.exe --data %parameter% %url% > %temp%\tmp.xml

::Init COM Port
mode %com% BAUD=%baud% PARITY=%parity% DATA=%data%

::Check for errors in xml
findstr /C:">5<" %temp%\tmp.xml
if errorlevel 1 goto noerror
goto error

echo Error found
echo %* > %com%
echo fehler > %com%
goto end

echo No error found
echo behoben > %com%
goto end

del %temp%\tmp.xml>nul 2>&1

XML File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <sensors totalcount="528" listend="0">
    <status>OK </status>
    <status>OK </status>
    <status>OK </status>
    <status>OK </status>
    <status>Fehler </status>
    <status>Fehler </status>
    <status>Pausiert (Pausiert durch überg. Objekt)</status>
    <status>Pausiert (pausiert)</status>
    <status>Pausiert (Pausiert durch überg. Objekt)</status>
    <status>Pausiert (Pausiert durch überg. Objekt)</status>
    <status>Pausiert (pausiert)</status>

Thank you very much for the solution. I managed to achieve the same goal but not that elegantly as you did.

 @echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
del %temp%\tmp.xml>nul 2>&1

::Init Variables
set url=""
set parameter="content=sensors&columns=status&username=wey&passhash=2476365312"
set com=COM4
set baud=9600
set parity=n
set data=8

::Read XML
curl.exe --data %parameter% %url% > %temp%\tmp.xml

::Init COM Port
mode %com% BAUD=%baud% PARITY=%parity% DATA=%data%

::Check for warnings and error in xml
findstr ">4< >5<" %temp%\tmp.xml
if errorlevel 1 goto noerror
goto Check_for_warnings_in_xml

findstr /C:">5<" %temp%\tmp.xml
if errorlevel 1 goto warning
goto error

start "" "C:/curl/curl.exe" -d "off"
start "" "C:/curl/curl.exe" -d "on"
echo Warning found
echo warning_found > %com%
goto end

start "" "C:/curl/curl.exe" -d "off"
start "" "C:/curl/curl.exe" -d "on"
echo Error found
echo error_found > %com%
goto end

start "" "C:/curl/curl.exe" -d "off"
start "" "C:/curl/curl.exe" -d "off"
echo No error found
echo no_error > %com%
goto end

del %temp%\tmp.xml>nul 2>&1