How do I exclude entire files from reports?

According to the documentation you can exclude code by matching lines. I want to exclude entire files, so that the reports don't include 3rd party libraries. Am I missing something? Can it be done?

You can omit modules with the --omit flag. It takes a comma-separated list of path prefixes. So for example:

coverage run
coverage report --omit=path/to/3rdparty

In addition to the options in the other answers, you can also configure the ignored files via setup.cfg:

omit =

See the documentation for details.

Omitting some files worked for me using coverage API. Well it is the same kind what Ned suggested.

Here it is how I did it:

cov = coverage.coverage(omit='/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/*')

Create a new file .coveragerc and add the following lines

branch = True
omit =