Can I create more than one repository for github pages?

Solution 1:

You can have one site published to https://<username> by publishing to the master branch of a repository named “” (substituting your actual username).

You can also have an additional site per GitHub project published to https://<username><project>. Project settings let you choose which branch and directory to publish.

A better description is available in the GitHub Pages documentation, including options for using custom domain names.

(since April 2013, all are now

Solution 2:

No you are not limited, it is possible to have multiple GitHub Pages sites within one account. Create another GitHub repository and push your site files to the gh-pages branch. This would result in the site being hosted at

Now, push another file "CNAME" to the same repository and branch and fill it with Log in to your DNS host and add the CNAME to point to "" (just like the original site).

This would allow you to have seemingly two different sites on different domains. This would not work for having two or more sub-domains within itself.

Solution 3:

There is a possibility to host multiple pages within the same repository having sub-pages if you are fine with code duplication.

The latest version of my website is hosted on This is a screenshot of the structure of my root repository where I host the latest version of my website:

Repository root folder

Inside folder "2.4.0" I can host a previous version of the same page ,which is then reachable at: This is the structure of the folder 2.4.0: Repository folder 2.4.0

Using this methodology of sub-pages within a main page, you can host multiple sub-pages within one main page.