ReSharper Abbreviations List: Where can I modify it?

I am using ReSharper 4.5, and what often happens when I am converting explicit properties into auto-properties, is that I will accidentally chose "Add XX to abbreviations list".

Ie: I want to convert CustomerID into an autoproperty, but due to quick butterfingers, I will accidentally add "ID" to the abbreviations list instead, which I don't want to do. (I want the naming rules to use "Id" instead of "ID").

Where can I find and modify the list of custom abbreviations in ReSharper 4.5??

Solution 1:

In Resharper 5. see answer below.

-In Resharper 4 use Resharper/Options/Languages/Common/Naming Style Choose the radio "Override common settings" this enables the button "Manage Abbreviations"

For a specific language

  • Resharper/Options/Languages/C#/C# Naming Style
  • Resharper/Options/Languages/VB/VB Naming Style

Solution 2:

In Resharper 7.x it's different than v6.0, its under the specific Language, for me Resharper/Options/C#/C# Naming Style/Advanced settings at the bottom of which are a list of space separated abbreviations.

Here's jetbrains (outdated?) site which details (I think the 6.x way of doing it?)