Prevent JavaScript Number function from rounding big numbers

I have a string value ' 9223372036854775807 '. I use Number() function in JavaScript to convert it to a number value using the following Code

var numericVal = Number(' 9223372036854775807 ');

when i check the value in numericVal, it is 9223372036854776000. How can I get the equivalent value for the string representing the Number?

Solution 1:

JavaScript numbers are Double Precision Floats; the largest integer that can be precisely stored is 2^53 (9007199254740992). If you actually need it in a number you have some fun math ahead of you, or you can use a library such as big.js

Solution 2:

You can compare strings that represent big integers as strings-

a longer string of integers is larger, otherwise compare characters in order.

You can sort an array of integer-strings

function compareBigInts(a, b){
    if(a.length== b.length) return a>b? 1:-1;
    return a.length-b.length;

or return the larger of two strings of digits

function getBiggestBigInts(a, b){
    if(a.length== b.length) return a>b? a:b;
    return a.length>b.length? a: b;


var n1= '9223372036854775807', n2= '9223372056854775807',
n3= '9223',n2= '9223372056854775817',n4= '9223372056854775';

getBiggestBigInts(n1,n2);>> 9223372056854775807



Just make sure you are comparing strings.

(If you use '-' minus values,a 'bigger' string value is less)

By the way,you sort big decimals by splitting on the decimal point and comparing the integer parts. If the integers are the same length and are equal, look at the the decimal parts.

Solution 3:

It's seems that your number is greater than 2^53, biggest integer number in javascript which can be represented without loosing precision (see this question).

If you really need to operate big numbers, you could use special libraries like this one: