What does PSR-0 stand for? [closed]

I know what PSR-0 is, and how, why, where to use it.

I've googled for this and looked around stackoverflow related posts, but could not find anything. Even on its official page there's no such definition.

So, the question is, what does PSR-0 exactly stand for?

Solution 1:

PSR stands for PHP Standard Recommendation as explained on http://www.php-fig.org/faqs/#what-does-psr-stand-for and here http://www.php-fig.org/psr/

Solution 2:

PSR is a specification for defining a coding standard for PHP. Currently there are six accepted recommendations:

  • PSR-0
  • PSR-1
  • PSR-2
  • PSR-3
  • PSR-4
  • PSR-7

each addressing a specific aspect of coding.

Solution 3:

PSR, a PHP Specification Request, is an attempt to standardise the way people use PHP in the hope that different sets of code libraries will work together. http://petermoulding.com/php/psr