How to get all keys with their values in redis

I know that in order to get all the list of all keys in Redis, I have to use KEYS *, but is there a way to output all keys together with their values?

Few minutes of searching did not yield any result.

P.S. thank you very much for answers, but I am looking for a native solution. I can write a function that iterates through all the output of KEYS * by myself.

There is no native way of doing this.

The Redis command documentation contains no native commands for getting the key and value of multiple keys.

The most native way of doing this would be to load a lua script into your redis using the SCRIPT LOAD command or the EVAL command.

Bash Haxx solution

A workaround would be to use some bash magic, like this:

echo 'keys YOURKEY*' | redis-cli | sed 's/^/get /' | redis-cli 

This will output the data from all the keys which begin with YOURKEY

Note that the keys command is a blocking operation and should be used with care.

Yes, you can do print all keys using below bash script,

for key in $(redis-cli -p 6379 keys \*);
  do echo "Key : '$key'" 
     redis-cli -p 6379 GET $key;

where, 6379 is a port on which redis is running.

I refined the bash solution a bit, so that the more efficient scan is used instead of keys, and printing out array and hash values is supported. My solution also prints out the key name.


# Default to '*' key pattern, meaning all redis keys in the namespace
for key in $(redis-cli --scan --pattern "$REDIS_KEY_PATTERN")
    type=$(redis-cli type $key)
    if [ $type = "list" ]
        printf "$key => \n$(redis-cli lrange $key 0 -1 | sed 's/^/  /')\n"
    elif [ $type = "hash" ]
        printf "$key => \n$(redis-cli hgetall $key | sed 's/^/  /')\n"
        printf "$key => $(redis-cli get $key)\n"

Note: you can formulate a one-liner of this script by removing the first line of and commanding: cat | tr '\n' ';' | awk '$1=$1'

KEYS command should not be used on Redis production instances if you have a lot of keys, since it may block the Redis event loop for several seconds.

I would generate a dump (bgsave), and then use the following Python package to parse it and extract the data:

You can have json output, or customize your own output in Python.

You can use MGET to get the values of multiple keys in a single go.


redis> SET key1 "Hello"
redis> SET key2 "World"
redis> MGET key1 key2 nonexisting
1) "Hello"
2) "World"
3) (nil)

For listing out all keys & values you'll probably have to use bash or something similar, but MGET can help in listing all the values when you know which keys to look for beforehand.