How to I set the box for newly captured Pokémon? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

The box your capture Pokemon goes is determined as follows:

  • Goes to the currently active box if it is not full.
  • Goes to next box if current box is full.
  • If next box is full too, goes to the next (applicable to any other subsequent full box).

Where an 'active box' is defined as the last box you see when you log off your PC.

If you want the Pokemon you catch to be in the first box, you will have to go to that first box and log off your PC to make that box the active one.

Solution 2:

Newly captured Pokemon will go in the box you were looking at when you last accessed the PC, or the nearest box to the right of that that has space if it is full.

For example, if you quit the PC looking at the full Box 14, and Box 15 is also full, the pokemon will appear in Box 16. This wraps back around to the first box if all the remaining boxes are full.

Just make sure you switch back to the first empty box after you're done messing around in your PC.