Aviation, what is the equivalent word for ships instead of aircraft?

The design, development and production of nautical vessels: shipbuilding or boatbuilding (depending on the type of craft);

The operation and use of nautical vessels: navigation:

  1. The process or activity of accurately ascertaining one’s position and planning and following a route:
    Columbus corrected his westward course by celestial navigation
  2. The passage of ships:
    transporter bridges to span rivers without hindering navigation


You can consider seamanship which covers maritime navigation as well. Still does not cover ship building though.

It involves topics and development of specialised skills including: navigation and international maritime law; weather, meteorology and forecasting; watchstanding; ship-handling and small boat handling; operation of deck equipment, anchors and cables; ropework and line handling; communications; sailing; engines; execution of evolutions such as towing; cargo handling equipment, dangerous cargoes and cargo storage; dealing with emergencies; survival at sea and search and rescue; and fire fighting.

Marine, maritime, naval, nautical are used before nouns depending on the context also.

Note: There is the word airmanship similar to seamanship.