How to list all the files in a tree (a directory and its subdirs)?

Solution 1:

tree will be very convenient for you.

sudo apt-get install tree

using tree filepathto list the files.

Solution 2:

ls -alR

That's probably the simplest method. I'm just hacking out a find script to give you a touch more control.

Solution 3:

find /path/ -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%s\t%p\n"

You can play with the printf formatting as much as you like. This gives you a great opportunity to get things formatted the way you need them, which is invaluable if you're using the output in another application.


For better readability, you can pipe it all through the column command and it will automagically resize things so they line up.

find /path/ -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%s\t%p\n" | column -t

Solution 4:

As Oli answered, find will allow you to search an entire directory tree:

find /path/ -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%s\t%p\n"

# Where %TY will display the mod. time year as 4 digits
#       %Tm will display the mod. time month as 2 digits
#       %Td will display the mod. time day as 2 digits
#       %s displays the file size in bytes
#       %p displays the full path name of the file

You may also want to use the -type f option to limit the results to just files. If you want to match a file pattern, you want the -name or -iname options (case sensitive, and case insensitive matching, respectively). Take a read through find's man page - there are a substantial amount of options that you can use to narrow/refine your search.

And just as an aside, if you are expecting to have multiple screenfuls of data get thrown back at you, remember to pipe your results through less.

@Oli : +1 I just learned something new as well - column. Hadn't used that before.