How to properly nest a wireless router behind a wired router? [closed]

For a typical low-end router a procedure like this works.

  • Setup wifi as needed. Please set it with at least WPA.
  • Disable DHCP on the wireless router
  • Connect a cable from one of the LAN-side interfaces of the wireless router to your switch.
  • Do not connect or configure the WAN side of the wireless router at all. If the wan side must be configured use an address/subnet that is not used on your network.

By connecting a LAN port of the router to your LAN you are just using the 'router' as a bridge and not using the routing features at all.

In addition to what Zoredache said, you may want to consider security implications of such a setup. I would recommend placing your wireless connection in a DMZ zone or to consider it as a WAN zone rather than a LAN zone. This is just for security purposes in case somebody manages to break your wireless encryption or if your wifi router decides to randomly reset itself one day to factory defaults and you end up with an open hole into your private LAN. Worst things have been known to happen.