Recommended outsourced IT management companies for a small business in New York? [closed]

Solution 1:

You're looking for a Managed Service Provider. Or a local trustworthy consultant. Either of these, worth their salt, will do a good job for you.

When do you move up to a full-time IT guy? When you can afford one and it's worth it, so it's very subjective. Many small companies will hire someone a little more junior (and cheaper) and keep the MSP/consultant on-board as well; that can often be cheaper than finding and hiring a more experienced guy (who honestly might get bored at a small place.)

Solution 2:

There is more to your network than just putting out fires. You maybe could already use at least one fulltime IT person. A competent IT person would stay busy with a network of 60 PC's and a couple of servers. Once he/she has familiarized him/herself with your network, suggestions could be made, improvements could be performed. There would always be something to stay productive with.

Solution 3:

My former employer was acquired by a firm that does desktop managed services like what you're looking for -- MindSHIFT Technologies. I can tell you they used to be pretty good back when I worked there, but can tend toward the expensive side, particularly if they're doing the Dell "Listen JACKASS this machine needs to be replaced NOW!"-type phone calls for you (these can get time consuming, and time is money in the hourly-rate sense).

Like mfinni said, a lot of companies hire someone relatively junior to handle the local grunt work (moving machines around, dealing with desktop/laptop RMAs) & rely on the MSP for heavy lifting (infrastructure, software deployment, AV/Patching, etc.).